Our Purpose

The Need

In Wake County and its surrounding 12 counties, the need is great. Be they mental health disorder, child abuse and neglect, juvenile court or autism disorder, more than 20,000 youth are affected. You can help change the trajectory of their lives. Will you?



We believe that there is no greater love than that of our mighty Shepherd and Creator and through His creation itself, we can reach the unreachable!

For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

This powerful verse is the cornerstone of all we do at Shepherd Youth Ranch.


To provide hope and restoration to the hurting through a unique relationship with a horse and the unconditional love of Christ.


We do this by pairing our horse “counselors,” many of whom are rescued, with youth and families who are suffering from trauma, underserved or in need. Through Equine Assisted Therapy and Learning, therapeutic activities, and riding we encourage personal empowerment, spiritual growth and life-changing insights.


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